The Muslims, wherever women previously were I in muliyakan God. pangampunten previous admin wrote in this NOTES because the evidence is too long. then let us try together to see / heed the calendar for the year 2012 ..!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله الكبير المتعال, والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد المتبع في الأقوال والأفعال والأحوال, وعلى سائر الأنبياء, وآله وصحبه التابعين له في كل حال, أما بعد;
If the date of 01 Ramadan 1433 in the year 2012 falls on 20 July , that dayFriday , 03 detachable Agutus then in 2012 was to coincide with 15th of Ramadan , also right on Friday .
Be wary if it is associated with one of the Prophet hadist salallahu'alaihiwasalam about the terrible voice that will occur in the middle of the night of Ramadan, which is Friday the 15 Romadhan on this earth. Terrible voice from heaven that will surprise all those who were sleeping ...
Try to listen the following hadith:
عن ابن مسعود قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إذا كان صيحة في رمضان فإنه يكون معمعة في شوال, وتمييز القبائل في ذي القعدة, وتسفك الدماء في ذي الحجة والمحرم وما المحرم - يقولها ثلاث مرات - هيهات هيهات! يقتل الناس فيه هرجا هرجا, قلنا وما الصيحة يا رسول الله? قال: هذه في النصف من رمضان ليلة الجمعة فتكون هذه توقظ النائم وتقعد القائم وتخرج العواتق من خدورهن في ليلة جمعة في سنة كثيرة الزلازل والبرد, فإذا وافق شهر رمضان في تلك السنة ليلة الجمعة فإذا صليتم الفجر من يوم الجمعة في النصف من رمضان فادخلوا بيوتكم وأغلقوا أبوابكم وسدوا كواكم ودثروا أنفسكم وسدوا آذانكم, فإذا أحسستم بالصيحة فخروا لله سجدا وقولوا: سبحان القدوس, سبحان القدوس, ربنا القدوس, فإنه من فعل ذلك نجا ومن لم يفعل هلك "نعيم, ك
That is:
This hadith of Ibn Mas'ud received, said:
"When there is terrible right voice in Ramadan, then it will happen in the month of Shawwal streak reached her, but many of the men broke away (bergerombol) in the month dzulhijjahnya, much bloodshed occurred in the dzulhijjah, also getting climax when in in the sacred month , - quotes the Prophet repeated it three times until -, "what should we do in the sacred month? affection so dear .., they do not know and what should be done in the sacred, then among the people kill each other much "
What terrible voice Rasululkah Yes? Asked the Prophet's companions.
"The voice was hard from there in the middle of Ramadan, which coincide at night week , terrible voice startle those who are asleep, passing people who were standing, all things fell far out of place or the women crashed out of the the rooms, mid-week night it happened Ramdhan terrible shaking and very cold .. When the month of Ramadan is right in the year (If this happened in 2012) When you were performing the dawn prayer on week nights in the middle of Ramadan masukklah into the house, kuncilah door, and shut you guys head, body protect you and shield you ear. when you feel terrible voice, prostration and recite the rosary menyungkurlah this:
سبحان القدوس, سبحان القدوس, ربنا القدوس
subhanal-Quddus, Subhanal-Quddus, Robbanal-Quddus. means:
"Glory of God most holy, holy holy O God our Lord most holy"
Because truly, when you do that would secure, if not there would have perished. " Replied the Prophet (Hadist Narrated Abu Nu'em)
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